clear path

美 [klɪr pæθ]英 [klɪə(r) pɑːθ]
  • 无阻碍路线
clear pathclear path
  1. And if you can 't see a clear path to your dreams ,


  2. There should be a clear path through your web page from beginning to end .


  3. Under mechanical pressure , this architecture presents no clear path for the release of stress .


  4. Give new users a clear path to follow through the primary steps involved in the project management process .


  5. We should have a pretty clear path to Utah now .


  6. Research shows that the development of Beijing 's economy due to endogenous growth , and there is a clear path dependence .


  7. Demonstrate a clear path for how you plan on preventing future mistakes and improving your overall performance in general .


  8. The reason is our optimization and upgrading of industrial structure have not yet formed a clear path to the programme .


  9. Lately , these percentages have improved , but IT still lacks a clear path for complex projects .


  10. Rails development offers you a clear path from a half-formed idea to a fully functioning Web application .


  11. But strategy that lacks a clear path to implementation is not strategy at all , just wishful thinking .


  12. If people perceive a clear path forward with little ambiguity about what will constitute progress , motivation levels rise .


  13. A clear path ahead for preventing further unnecessary biodiversity loss has been laid out and agreed .


  14. For companies and investors these need to be acknowledged and a clear path agreed to bring about a common understanding .


  15. Only one piece may be moved with every turn , and only then if there is a clear path to its destination .


  16. In 2010 the British government bravely hoped that setting a clear path to debt and deficit reduction would lead to rapid recovery .


  17. As your needs grow over time , IBM can provide a clear path to advanced capabilities such as SOA through WebSphere Application Server configurations .


  18. While this can be difficult to align with established PM practices-there is a clear path to improved governance and risk management .


  19. The guides give you a clear path to help you direct your resources to build a robust , complete , and high growth solution for your customers .


  20. He knows that life stagnates when he fails to decide and flourishes when he chooses a clear path .


  21. Law scholars since Austin , although tried to tread a clear path between sources of law and forms of law , never yielded satisfactory results .


  22. If you constantly hop from one project to the next , the change can be jarring and leave you without a clear path to success .


  23. ' The'Way'cannot be separated from the'Light'as the light brings clarity of purpose and engenders a clear path to the destiny of choice .


  24. There are many production applications running on Merb that are relying on both timely bug fixes and a clear path to the future .


  25. But chief executives need to establish authority and to set a clear path before they can expect insiders or outsiders to follow their new direction .


  26. Because no one knows how the disease is incurred or spreads , this new information is critical and establishes a clear path for investigations to move forward .


  27. I saw a clear path to go across the road , so I just figured I 'd go ahead and get on over there across the street .


  28. A new horizon might open in your professional life which may give a clear path to your career and you could also be able to set a new standard in your professional field .


  29. The U.S. needs to set a clear path to debt sustainability , but the timing of tightening should be dictated by the strength of the recovery .


  30. He is now lost to himself , setting forth confidently on uninhabitable terrain , relentlessly alone and without apparent hope for a clear path out .
